La entidad invitó al país a hacer parte de esta entidad, dijo el presidente Juan Manuel Santos.

Juan Manuel Santos, presidente de Colombia.

“Esa es una entidad de gran trascendencia, donde están los países grandes y serios del mundo. Nos decían que no, que lo sentían mucho, que nosotros no calificábamos. Pues bien: no tuvimos que pedir nuevamente que nos invitaran, sino que nos invitaron sin que les pidiéramos. Y ya oficialmente nos han invitado a que Colombia haga parte de ese Banco”, reveló Santos este miércoles, durante el Encuentro de Comisiones Regionales de Competividad, que se cumplió en Bogotá.

El BIS fue creado el 17 de mayo de 1930 como una organización para dar apoyo a los bancos centrales europeos, tras la crisis económica mundial que se vivió por la Gran Depresión de Estados Unidos.

“Vamos a presentarle ese proyecto de ley, primero a la Mesa de la Unidad Nacional, porque hay un límite de tiempo que tenemos que cumplir. Y espero que el Congreso apruebe el proyecto de ley en esa dirección, aprobando los recursos para ingresar al Banco Internacional de Pagos, con sede en Basilea, Suiza”, dijo.

El Mandatario expresó que “estamos hablando es de grandes ligas y ahí es donde debe estar Colombia”. Añadió que este hecho significa un apalancamiento de la política financiera internacional del país.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009


To learn English is due to take certain processes, ranging from listening, reading, speaking and writing. From them we can make certain arrangements that the world presents such as books or the Internet.

The internet gives us many tools to practice the skills you should get the time to learn English. The internet through pages, virtual courses, bloggers and others help us acquire prior learning and the procedures through which the world can use navigation to get where we want.
These tools are very important because it gives us the opportunity to interact in this environment and learn that when more dynamic.

It was easy to enter and interact in the blogger:, because teaching is practical and knows when an issue in this case: "some" and "any". When you enter the page had many links that take us to different parts in which we were given a small and feasible explanation of the topic and then gave us a list of exercises to perform.
The good and interesting is that the explanation of the topic was understandable and enjoyable when doing the activities, although it is always good to have a brief explanation of a guide or adviser before doing these exercises since many words are cut and most convenient for these cases is an illustration of a person who advises us to get excellent results.
The activities were easy, though it generates a difficulty in "somewhere", "anywhere", "someone" and "anyone", but I could clarify.

The explanation was very thorough and with this tool we henceforth take to improve our auditory part that is important for the development of this language
The video was good but not filled my expectations. Although the other videos were very interesting practice. I think it's much better a master class for grammar and structures and is important auditory and visual means to improve listening. It would be nice links to this blog so we can get aid to the next levels.

Because by this means we can be constantly practicing English.